About ArbDossier
ArbDossier is an internet publisher which makes analytical statistical reports for Alternative Dispute Resolution jurisprudence around the world. They also publish high-quality research and conduct periodical online courses instructed by senior practitioners and adjudicators.
About the Training Session
ArbDossier in conjunction with Georgetown University International Arbitration Society is conducting a two-day training session on “The Practitioners’ Perspective on Arbitral Proceedings” on September 17 & 18, 2022.
About the Modules and Speakers
Each of the 4 modules will be instructed by a stalwart in the field of international arbitration, and the modules are structured as follows:
Selection of Arbitrators, their Independence, and Impartiality: Mr. Gautam Bhattacharyya (Reed Smith LLP)
Party and Counsel Conduct, Tackling Guerrilla Tactics: Ms. Khushboo Shahdadpuri (Al Tamimi & Company)
Increasing the Efficacy of Evidence Taking: Mr. Peter Rosher (Reed Smith LLP)
The Dynamics of Confidentiality, Data Protection and Transparency in International Arbitration: Ms. Bojana Bilankov (International Arbitration & Litigation Attorney)
Stay tuned to ArbDossier on LinkedIn and ArbDossier’s official website for more information on the speakers and the course.
Registration Fee
Registration is USD 44 (INR 3500), and USD 38 (INR 3000) [for limited early bird registrations].
For more information click here